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Digital scanning offers a superior replication of reality as more real than ever, as if it claims control and ownership of the space, person, or object it scans. The human participation; the steadiness of the hand, the lengthy process that requires patience, the lines that subtly build on top of each other to intricately replicate what’s in front of us, make any flatness inferior and elevates the process-centric creator. The objective is for the Highly Defined to become even more defined and the razor-sharp perfection feels like an end to something that’s believed to be a beginning. 

The God-like X-Ray-type vision views its subject as a dense scannable; a constellation of whichever fibers and particles the scan will successfully detect. Scanning someone with no scanner, by collecting information (physical traces, digital data, objects, documented experiences, etc.) is a vetting practice. The abstract scan detects surface-level information and reduces the human subject to a set of information. The vetting process is completely accepted and considered an inherent part of job-application processes; human instincts and “gut feeling” have been outsourced to something just a little closer to an algorithm; something we can trust and essentially blame for potential mistakes. 

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